Posted on | Tuesday, January 18, 2011 |
The search engine made by Microsoft, Bing continued to undermine the dominance of Yahoo. Even in the United States, Bing surpassed Yahoo and ranks second to the use of search engines.
First position, the search engine most used Internet users in the United States is still dominated by Google. Microsoft's market share in the U.S. reached around 13.9 percent, while Yahoo only 13.1 percent.
Yahoo itself is using a search engine Bing to support the search. Since the deal, Yahoo was more focused to target content and advertising industry. However, now instead of Internet users directly to the site bing to do a search.
As reported by ITPro on Thursday (09/16/2010), since it was launched on June 1, 2009 search engine presence in 14 months, were able to show its great potential for even overthrew Google. For according to data released Search Engine Land, Bing successfully jumped 51 percent in just 12 months in the United States for 14 months of launch.
By tripped Google as ruling the search engine market, Microsoft also has prepared a new strategy for Bing. Microsoft's search engine will be a one-stop service, where users can perform all the activities such as play games, play games, or watching movies without having to connect to an external site.
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