WikiLeaks: U.S. Rely on Blogger Indonesia

Posted on | Wednesday, January 19, 2011 | No Comments

U.S. Embassy in Jakarta rely on the social pages of local media and bloggers to promote Washington's interests in Indonesia. For the U.S., Indonesian Internet community continues to grow and has become "a powerful political force for reform."
That is one diplomatic memos U.S. embassy in Jakarta. Reports to the State Department in Washington were leaked to the manager WikiLeaks pages and pages published in the daily The Guardian, Tuesday, January 18, 2011.
In the report, the U.S. Embassy to submit the budget as soon as possible to fund the campaign of President Barack Obama's visit to Indonesia through social networking tools and new media. Obama's trip was scheduled to end March 2010, which eventually postponed to November 2010.
In the memo, the Embassy in Jakarta reported that they had become the U.S. diplomatic mission offices that have the greatest number of fans in the page up. At that time, the number of fans up the U.S. Embassy has reached nearly 50,000.
Embassy in Jakarta also claimed as one of the leading U.S. diplomatic offices in using Twitter, YouTube, and involve the local Bloggers to promote the message and the information the U.S. government. "Unique position that we use to convey the topics and themes important to support the visit of President Obama," the U.S. Embassy report.
So, then, the U.S. Embassy asked the budget of U.S. $ 100,000 to optimize their activity on social networking pages, such as boost the number of fans to one million people, and this can be affordable within 30 days.
U.S. Embassy in Jakarta, according to a leaked memo, the judge that the internet community in Indonesia continues to grow, even recently has become a powerful political force for reform in the country. "About 10 percent of the total population are able to have internet access, at least every month. This represents more than 25 million people, nearly half of them to connect on Facebook," wrote the memo.
Indonesia is recognized as the seventh largest market in the up and is flourishing. The memo also describes how the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta implement ways to promote Obama's visit at that time.


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