2010, WD Sell 52.2 Million Units Hard Drive

Posted on | Friday, January 21, 2011 | No Comments

Western Digital Corp. earned approximately USD2, 475 billion by sending your hard drive as many as 52.2 million units. 

"We are very pleased to generate revenue, profitability and December quarter gross margin is higher than expected, reflecting solid execution and improvement in the condition of the hard drive industry as compared with the previous two quarters," said John Coyne, president and chief executive officer, as quoted from its official statement on Friday (21/01/2011). 

He said the opportunity for profitable growth in the WD is still very large industry and the company is committed to improving financial performance in the long term. 

"We plan to do this with due emphasis on low cost structure of industry-leading, high quality, highly reliable products and have high availability, and a sharp focus for production in accordance with customer demand," adds Coyne. 

In the fiscal year ending on December 31, 2010, WD revenues reached USD2, 475 billion and a total of 52.2 million units of hard drives have been sold. Net income gained as much as USD225 million or WD USD0, 96 per share. 

In the same quarter last year, WD reported revenue of USD2, 619 billion, sending the hard drive as much as 49.5 million, and reported net income and profit per share, amounting to USD429 million and USD1.85. 

This company produces USD505 million in cash from operations during the December quarter, bringing total cash and cash equivalents held amounted to USD3.1 billion.


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